A fennel REPL for Hammerspoon

The Fennel programming language is one of my favorite programming languages. It gets a lot of things done right: Modern syntax (Clojure-like, but better) Immutable by default Excellent pattern matching If I ever find myself working with a Lua interpreter (Hammerspoon, Neovim, TIC-80, etc.), Fennel is often my go-to for concise and efficient code. The question is, can I have a REPL for Hammerspoon? There are multiple options available, like nREPL via jeejah, but I find it limited compared to the REPL that comes with fennel-mode.
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One-liner to enable Touch ID for sudo

You may already know how to enable Touch ID for sudo already, but it’s constantly getting disabled after each update of macOS. This one-liner is a no-brainer to enable it again. Basically, type it once in your terminal, and type ‘^R pam.d ENTER’ to enable it again once needed and it will be enabled again. sudo sed -i '' '2i\ auth sufficient pam_tid.so ' /etc/pam.d/sudo
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